Snap A Picture! ⁣⁣

Dear Parents, thinking of those good old days where you and the whole family were having fun outside of the house? ⁣⁣
Let’s test the family’s creative skills by “taking a shot” of those memories! ⁣⁣
First, cut out two pieces of cardboard that resembles the back of a camera. Empty the middle part where the image is usually shown like the image above. ⁣⁣
Glue only the sides of the “camera” and leave the top and bottom part free so that you can slide the “memories” ⁣⁣
Finally, cut out a template box that matches the size of the cardboard camera square. ⁣⁣
Have your whole family join in and draw their favourite memory or any picture they’re fond of. Your creativity is entirely up to you!⁣⁣
Photo courtesy of Pinterest. ⁣

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