The “Hot & Cold” Game

If you’re looking for ways to teach your child patience and perseverance in a fun way without additional tools, here’s a suggestion:

Try Hot & Cold!

Grab your child’s favourite toy (or any small object) and hide it inside a room. For a younger child, bring him or her inside the room and hold out their hand. As they move closer to the hiding place of the object, shout out “warm”, “warmer” or “hot!” The farther they are from the object’s hiding place, the “colder” it is. Keep going until they manage to find their favourite toy.

For an older child, you may start in a different room to make it a little more difficult to locate the object. If your child seems frustrated, it’s okay to give a little guidance and hold their hand for a little clue. This way, your child can also learn that just because you can’t see it – doesn’t mean it’s not there. They will also feel a sense of accomplishment once the “mission” is complete.


Looking for a fun game to play with the whole family?

This game combines math and fun in a single box, literally!

What you need:

  1. Old tissue box (or shoe box)
  2. Paper cups (or tissue roll)
  3. Ping pong ball
  4. Scissors
  5. Cello tape
  6. Marker pen
  7. Paper

Start with the body of your “math machine”. On one end, cut out two circles on the side that would fit your paper cup. Then at the opposite end, cut out ¼ of the surface so that the inside of the box can be seen.

Next, cut out the bottom of the paper cup to ensure that objects can pass through and tape them to the hole of the body.

Finally, write down math equations for your child to try! Let them put down the exact amount of ping pong balls (or any items that would fit the tube e.g. beads or buttons) and start counting!

Guess The Sound

How good is your child with sounds? All you need for this activity is a blindfold for your little one.

Have them sit down while you strike, hit or tap on different household items. Tapping on a glass followed by a piece of cloth on the floor helps your child understand how certain things will produce a sharp clink, while others will absorb the sound like the cloth.

This fun guessing game is one level above charades and helps your child recognise items that may have been unfamiliar to them before.

What are you waiting for, mom and dad? Get to tapping that cupboard and banging that pan!



This classic game is always a family favourite.

Write down a simple prompt like “eating”. Act it out and have your child observe the action and say it out loud!

Simple prompts like “eating”, “sitting” and “walking” are great for 3-4 year olds. You can add more advanced prompts like “eating an apple” and “lock the door” for older children or if you feel that your child is more confident!

Go ahead! Record the action and share the family fun <3

Sunny Day Pin-wheel

Here’s a fun little idea that does not require sunblock!

You will need:
1. Cardboard box
2. Colourful Manila paper
3. Satay Stick
4. Scissors
5. Colourful Markers
6. Straw

First, you need to draw a circle and cut it out. Then, draw a smaller ring within. Using a ruler, section the outer ring into eight sections. Next, cut only the outer ring as shown in the image. Fold the cut outer ring into flaps toward one direction. Once the full circle has been folded, proceed to decorating the sun!

Finally, puncture a hole in the middle of the sun using a satay stick and attach it to the piece of cardboard box to stay in place!

Now your little one can have fun by blowing the straw and watching it spin! Courtesy of RedTedArt.


Snap A Picture! ⁣⁣

Dear Parents, thinking of those good old days where you and the whole family were having fun outside of the house? ⁣⁣
Let’s test the family’s creative skills by “taking a shot” of those memories! ⁣⁣
First, cut out two pieces of cardboard that resembles the back of a camera. Empty the middle part where the image is usually shown like the image above. ⁣⁣
Glue only the sides of the “camera” and leave the top and bottom part free so that you can slide the “memories” ⁣⁣
Finally, cut out a template box that matches the size of the cardboard camera square. ⁣⁣
Have your whole family join in and draw their favourite memory or any picture they’re fond of. Your creativity is entirely up to you!⁣⁣
Photo courtesy of Pinterest. ⁣